You are welcome to send any issues or pull requests. displayInfoOnTheRightSideOfStatusBar: set to true to show the status bar info on the right side.showBrotli: set to true to show calculated brotli compressed size in the detailed info view. To verify that MASM was installed, open a Windows Explorer window and look for the file named ml.exe in the Visual Studio installation directory, such as C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017CommunityVCToolsMSVC7binHostX64x86. Download Visual Studio 2019 - Developer tools and services for any platform with any language.showGzipInStatusBar: set to true to show calculated gzip size in the status bar.
Visual studio 2017 download size install#
In VS Code, press Ctrl-P or Cmd-P (Mac) and type in ext install vscode-filesize. This package is intended for use with the Visual Studio Code editor and it displays the size of the focused file in the status bar of the editor.īonus: If you click on the status bar component it will display more information about the file! Installation